How To Reset Your Password
Resetting password from the login screen
The left image is the login screen. Under password text box, there is a link “Forgot Password?”. If you click that link, it will take you to the reset password screen (right image). On the reset password page, you will enter the email linked to your portal account and click the “Reset Password” button. After clicking the button, please go check your email to look for the password reset email. There will be a link in that email, that will take you to the next screenshot below.
The right image is the password reset screen where you will enter your new password twice. There are some password stipulations and the form will tell you if your password is not strong enough to be used. Once you enter a strong enough password, click “Change my password”. Your password will be reset and the page on the right will show and you are done. You can navigate back to the login screen and use your new password to log in.
Resetting password once logged in (newest website layout)
If you want to reset your password once logged into the portal, you start by displaying the left hand sidebar. If the left sidebar is not showing, click the top right 3 horizontal bars icon to display it. This button will toggle the left sidebar between showing/hiding. See below for screenshots.
Once you show the left sidebar, click the down arrow under your name and it will show a dropdown with Reset Password.
When you click Reset Password in the dropdown, it will take you to the Password Reset page. After entering a new password click “change my password”. You will see a success message and then hit continue.
When you hit continue, you will be taken back to the login page to login with your new password.