Q: We have a set overtime policy for our personnel, how can we track this?
A: The Time tracking module on ER Assist allows applicants to track the time and rate at which their personnel will be billing for a given time frame of the project. Time Admins may create Policy specific overtime rules that apply to their contract. For instance rules can be applied that declare that time each day over X hours begins overtime. The Admins can also create a rule for what the specific overtime rates for the project are in the module as well.
Q: When is the best time to apply these OT rules?
A: It is best to apply the rules as the project is ongoing. At times policies change, and sometimes this can cause confusion when figuring project costs for reimbursement. BY keeping the policy tracked in real time on the Time Module, confusion can be avoided. The tracking module can then be used to create accurate invoices for you, the applicant.